Course 7 (ages 9-13)
The time has come to embrace the chess game from the first move to the end! In Course 7, students will learn about various aspects of the game: tactics, openings, middle game, and endgame. This will help improve their thinking process throughout the entire game.
Course Prerequisites: Before taking Course 7, students should complete Course 6 (ages 9-13) or have equivalent experience.
Course Duration: The online instruction will consist of fifteen one-hour instructional classes and ten PLAYLAND! Classes. PLAYLAND! is a space for girls to engage in friendly competition, apply what they learn, and foster a supportive community with shared interests. During PLAYLAND! sessions, participants can play against different opponents, participating in up to three full games every Sunday from 4:45 pm to 6:00 pm EST.
Course Fee: The total cost for 20 classes is $305 (including HST).