Absolute Beginner (60 mins)

If you and your child are new to chess, this ten-session semi-private class is a perfect fit for you. During these sessions, we will teach you and your child about the chessboard, how to identify the squares through files and ranks, the names of each piece and their values, and how each of them moves.

After learning these fundamental concepts, we will teach you how to attack, defend, check, and checkmate your opponent.

Once you complete this course, you and your daughter will have access to PLAYLAND!, which operates on Sundays from 4:45 pm - 6:00 pm EST throughout the year, except for summers and holidays. PLAYLAND! is a platform where girls can log on to play against each other. The class begins with a theme, and then the girls play up to three games against each other. There is no additional charge for PLAYLAND!

Course Prerequisites: No experience necessary.

Course Duration: 10 online classes (60 min each) via Microsoft Teams

Course Fee: $520 (applicable taxes are included in the price).

Registration: Please send an email to info@stemthegapacademy.com and provide us with the days and times that work best for you and your daughter, as well as the start week. We'll reply with the name of your teacher and an invoice, which you can pay via credit card or e-transfer. Thank you!